Sustainability Policy

Our Commitment

At La Alcoba del Agua Hotel Boutique, we welcome our guests and strive to exceed their expectations, while respecting the environment and investing in new technologies. We recognise our responsibility to the future and our vision is to grow gradually and sustainably. We have a firm commitment to environmental protection, which is reflected in the following commitments:
  • Comply with all legal and other environmental requirements that apply to us.
  • Analyse our environmental impacts to develop action plans to reduce and minimise our environmental impact in all our activities.
  • Establish pollution prevention and control measures.
  • Set environmental targets that enable us to continually improve our environmental performance.
  • Act ethically and sustainably with the environment and focus our efforts on preserving the environment.

Fulfilling these commitments requires the involvement of everyone who makes up La Alcoba del Agua Hotel Boutique, from our staff to our suppliers and guests. For this reason, we raise awareness of the importance of respecting and protecting the environment and encourage everyone to participate in making suggestions to improve our environmental performance.

Social environment

Health and wellbeing

We promote integral wellbeing among guests and collaborators through communication and advice on healthy lifestyle habits.
We have outdoor common areas for the enjoyment of our guests.
We promote a healthy and safe working environment through continuous training in PRL (Occupational Risk Prevention).
We have a Psychological Harassment Protocol to prevent, detect and resolve situations of psychological or moral harassment and/or other forms of discrimination in the organisation.
We work to ensure safe service provision, minimising the risk of accidents and providing a safe working environment for guests.

Gender equality

We promote positive discrimination, non-discrimination on the basis of gender and inclusion in all areas of the organisation through the implementation of an Equality Policy.
We have a Sexual Harassment Protocol to prevent, detect and resolve situations of sexual and/or gender-based harassment in the organisation.
We provide training in equality and harassment prevention in order to offer a healthy and safe working environment for female employees.


Sustainable cities and communities
We have solar and photovoltaic panels to generate renewable energy in the establishments. We have replaced single-dose gel and shampoo with dispensers in all rooms. Elimination of single-use plastics in all rooms and common areas. We promote the reuse of towels and sheets by means of posters in the rooms to reduce water consumption. We have recycling points available to guests. We have fresh water dispensers for clients and collaborators. We have replaced plastic water bottles with reusable glass bottles. Responsible production and consumption. We collaborate with zero-kilometre suppliers and local artists to reduce emissions and to promote the culture of the region. We provide our employees with more sustainable uniforms made by a local supplier with an ESG policy. We encourage zero food waste among guests to minimise food waste through an a la carte breakfast buffet system. We work to improve our business ethics by defining and monitoring indicators of consumption and waste generated.

Climate action

We have a Manual of Good Environmental Practices for collaborators and we carry out awareness-raising and training campaigns for each job.

We promote the “Zero paper” policy to reduce paper consumption as much as possible by digitalising processes.

We work with a digitalised reporting system for the management of Housekeeping and Maintenance incidents.

We apply and promote the 3R rule to reduce the volume of waste: reduce, reuse and recycle.