To get to where we are, we advise you to go down Constitution Avenue (popularly known as Cuesta del Picacho). Once you have almost reached the end of it
you will see that you are approaching a crossroads with traffic lights. Just before reaching this
you will have to turn left to find the street you are looking for.
We recommend, for your convenience, that you park your vehicle temporarily in our official loading and unloading point, located at the entrance of Alcoba street just before
Club de
Pádel Manzanilla Maruja at number 44. You will recognize this space by a parking identification
sign that reads “Hotel Reserved” and by a yellow line painted on the pavement delimiting the 3 parking spaces located there.
In Alcoba street, where we are, and on its continuation (Carmen Viejo), we have private
parking spaces. We recommend that you reserve your parking space in advance of your arrival as our spaces are limited